Tall Cupboards for Washing Machines and Dryers - A Space-Saving Solution

Published on: 27/06/2023 Author: Babette

A washing machine and dryer are widely considered to be a necessity in the typical family home. Almost every property these days has at least a washing machine. Very few people tend to rely on laundrettes to keep their clothes clean. However, one of the problems with washing machines and dryers is that they can take up a lot of space in your home. If there is not a specific place for them built into your property, then it can lead to impractical solutions.

For instance, you might decide to keep your washing machine in a spare room, under the stairs, or even in the hallway. As well as ruining the aesthetic of your home, it is always going to take up much-needed floor space. That’s why it’s worth exploring some of the key steps that you can take to save space when fitting these appliances into your property. One of the best options would be to use a tall enclosure for washer and dry appliances

A laundry storage cupboard like this available from Washtower will ensure that they are fitted discreetly into any room while ensuring that they are easily accessible. Here are some of the reasons why this could be the best option for your home.

Use The Height In Your Home

One of the key benefits of a tall cupboard for your washing machine and dryer is that it allows you to use the height space that your home provides. This means that you won’t have wasted empty space in an area like your kitchen. This can be an issue with most home designs with the ceiling space provided often completely overlooked. By using the height, you’ll have more room for other additions to your kitchen or utility room. 

Fits Into Any Room

Another big benefit of tall cupboards for washing machines and dryers as a space-saving solution is that they can be used in virtually any room. For instance, you could add one to your kitchen and it will match your other fixtures perfectly. Or, you could use one in your utility room to maximise the available floor space while eliminating clutter. 

Perfect For Smaller Properties

Family homes are not as large as they once were. Indeed, research suggests that the average family home in Britain today is considerably smaller than the family homes that were built ten or twenty years ago. If you are purchasing a new build, then you may find that it doesn’t provide as much room as you wanted for your family. That’s why it’s important to explore options that make the most out of the available space. Tall cupboards for washing machines and dryers are perfect for this because they will fit into smaller areas. For instance, there could be a small alcove in your kitchen or utility room. This could be perfect for a tall cupboard like this. 

Customised For Your Property

You might think that a space-saving solution like this won’t fit into your home. However, a tall cupboard enclosure for a washer and dryer can be customised to match your property perfectly. This also means that it will include some of the key features that you need or want. For instance, you might want to think about adding cupboards and drawers for your laundry. This means that you will have areas where you can store dirty and clean laundry as well as any washing products that you need. Everything can fit perfectly into this custom-built storage area. 

A Pleasing Aesthetic

An enclosure for a washing machine and dryer available from Washtower can also be designed to match your specific needs and the space that you have available in your home. This means that it will fit perfectly with your other fixtures. It won’t obtrude over the edges or stick out, spoiling the aesthetic. This makes it a great choice if you want to ensure that your home looks more modern while also making the most out of the space that you have available. 

We hope this helps you understand why a washing machine and laundry tall cabinet from Washtower could be the best option for your home. With this fixture, you can save space, ensure that your room looks incredible and gain countless practical benefits. To find out more about our company and our products, please do not hesitate to explore our website.

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